Sunday, February 14, 2010

Welcome To Learning About PHP!

Hi, my name is Joe!

A little while ago, I decided I wanted to learn PHP. As you may already know, PHP is really important to programming on the internet so I decided to study PHP.

It was kind of daunting to learn a new programming language, but I stuck with it and kept trying to make progress. It turned out PHP wasn't that hard to learn and I was programming my very first project from the first day!

I tried a lot of different programs and resources to learn PHP but discovered that some worked better than others. I have decided to share my knowledge about these different PHP resources on this page so that others may benefit from all of my experience. This way, you can go straight to the best PHP resources and begin learning immediately from the best sources!

I am going to rank everything on the follow criteria:

I hope you learn something and more importantly, I hope you gain the same results I have.


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